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    What We Do For You

    LicataRisk Advisors is a risk management consulting and insurance advisory firm

    That means that we become your advocate, your advisor, a member of your team – and together we accomplish the following:

    Identify Risks

    The first thing we’ll do is learn about your organization, its assets, operations, finances and exposures to loss.  We work with you to quantify loss, so we can focus on the severe loss potential, and not simply trade dollars with insurance companies.

    Prevent Losses

    Next, we’ll work with you to identify areas where losses can be prevented and help you develop safety, security and other loss prevention programs.   We will use accepted loss control principles including those provided by OSHA, RIMS (the Risk and Insurance Management Society), the National Safety Council, the American National Standards Institute and others.  We will recommend outside specialists where needed.

    Transfer Risk

    Unfortunately no matter how diligent you are, some risk is unavoidable, but you don’t always have to face it alone. Sometimes you can transfer risk to your trading partners, including customers, joint venture partners, subcontractors and others. We’ll work with you to identify the likely candidates and structure a program where they indemnify you in the event of loss, thereby saving you money.  Being street smart risk-wise means never being the passive one in a contract negotiation, that is, just signing the other party’s form.

    Finance Loss/Negotiate Insurance

    We’ll design an insurance program that addresses your risks, but excludes unnecessary coverages that inflate your premiums. We’ll prepare all the specifications for distribution to brokers and insurers, review and negotiate incoming proposals and help you select the one that’s best for you. Then we’ll review policies when they are issued to make sure they comply with the proposed terms and conditions. Because we are independent of the insurance industry, we’ll even advise you when it is beneficial to consider self-insurance, captives or non-insurance solutions.

    If you have an insurance program, but you’re not sure if it protects you properly, we will review the program and advise on gaps in coverage, with recommendations on fixing them.  We will work with your providers to make sure it actually and truly gets done.

    Other Services

    In addition to those services outlined above, we offer the following:

    • Evaluation of insurance agent or broker services
    • Insurance claim negotiation
    • Claim audits
    • Insurance program monitoring and management
    • Ongoing risk management consultation
    • Expert testimony on insurance matters
    Licata Risk Licata Risk & Insurance Advisors, Inc.
    265 Franklin Street
    Suite 1702
    Boston, MA 02110
    617-451-2140   advice@licatarisk
    501 East Las Olas Boulevard
    Suite 300/200
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
    LicataRisk Advisors is an independent risk management and insurance consulting firm. We are not brokers and we do not sell insurance. We are not connected to any insurance company or product in any way and do not receive commissions. This is an important difference as you will have an expert on your side who is only committed to you.

    Licata Risk is not a law firm and does not practice law. General advice and contract input by the consultants, including those who are attorneys, is to provide insight into the risk and insurance aspects. Your attorney should be the final authority on any legal matter.