Choose from any of our reports and we will be happy to send it/them to you via email at no cost.

    Why You Need An Advisor

    You need a Risk Management and Insurance Adviser in Addition to Your Agent or Broker Because:

     1. You will save money on your insurance premiums

    Unlike other forms of insurance which are actuarially driven, property and casualty insurance is priced based on the underwriter’s judgment about the risk and the market. The rating manual gives guidance, but each risk is different, and the environment (technology, legal climate, safety standards, etc.) are constantly changing.

    Therefore, pricing is flexible and creating competition for your business is the way to drive the price down.  Our many years of experience in this business have shown that nothing drives insurance cost other than competition, and we mean true competition, not competition for show.

    We know the market dynamics and how to create competition for your business, whether working solely with your current broker, or with multiple brokers.

    See Conflict of Interest

    2. The biggest companies have risk managers on staff – You need one too

    We are your risk manager. We are your expert in the confusing realm of risk and insurance. The risks of business are constantly changing and they are complex. Insurance policies are complex too, sometimes covering hundreds of pages. Can you ferret out the important exclusions, limitations or conditions? Can you sort out the insurer puffery from the facts?

    All large companies have a risk manger reporting to the CFO, sometimes to the general counsel.  The largest have entire risk departments.  They also have insurance brokers, but they know risk management is not the same as insurance sales.

    We are licensed, educated as and trained as risk management and insurance advisers.

    3. Risk management is more than insurance

    Liabilities are directed and redirected by contracts between trading partners.  It is not street-smart to be the passive one, simply signing the other party’s form.  Have you agreed to indemnify another party? Will your liability insurance cover that assumed liability? Have you foregone opportunities to obtain indemnification from others whereby you could insulate your own insurance program from loss, and thus prevent future premium increases? Do you have the right safety programs in place?  What about claims management?  Send in the claim and forget it?  No way that will work!

    4. We make your life easier

    Don’t be your own property/casualty insurance expert. Focus on your core business. As Geoffrey Moore says in Living on the Fault Line,”…Context always gets in the way of core. It’s a simple matter of absorbing time, talent and management attention.”  You are the expert in your core business – save the time so you can focus there – the real reason for you to be in business.

    Outsource the function to us, and do what you do best.

    We will let you sleep at night knowing your job and your company are not in jeopardy.

    5. We are on your side

    We work solely for you as your advocate and expert.  No conflicts of interest apply!

    We stand ready to be your partner in your business ventures. Contact us now.

    Licata Risk Licata Risk & Insurance Advisors, Inc.
    265 Franklin Street
    Suite 1702
    Boston, MA 02110
    617-451-2140   advice@licatarisk
    501 East Las Olas Boulevard
    Suite 300/200
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
    LicataRisk Advisors is an independent risk management and insurance consulting firm. We are not brokers and we do not sell insurance. We are not connected to any insurance company or product in any way and do not receive commissions. This is an important difference as you will have an expert on your side who is only committed to you.

    Licata Risk is not a law firm and does not practice law. General advice and contract input by the consultants, including those who are attorneys, is to provide insight into the risk and insurance aspects. Your attorney should be the final authority on any legal matter.